8 Ways to Keep Your Engagement Ring Looking Brand New




An engagement ring is one of life’s biggest purchases. Designed for daily wear, this treasured companion is crafted with valuable materials and made to last. And like any precious object, it requires consistent care and maintenance to maintain heirloom status.


Follow these 8 maintenance tips to ensure your engagement ring is as radiant and sparkling as the first day you put it on your finger:





1. Get Jewelry Insurance


Number one on the list and an important lesson for all soon-to-be fiance’s: jewelry insurance is your greatest ally. Whether its damage, theft, or loss, proper coverage provides peace of mind in a disaster situation. Once you have your ring in hand, securing insurance should be an immediate priority.


Some homeowner’s policies include ring insurance—however, the most comprehensive coverage is found with a specialized jewelry insurer. At time of purchase, your jeweler should provide an official appraisal that serves as proof of value if you ever need to make a claim. 


Your jeweler may offer a ring warranty, but it is important to recognize that ring insurance and warranty are not the same. Warranties only cover small repairs or jewelry polishing over a short period of time. And although useful, this is not a suitable alternative. Learn how to acquire proper coverage in our ring insurance guide. 





2. Clean Your Ring Regularly


Consistent cleaning (2-3 times/month) is essential to keep your ring sparkling. And conveniently, the safest cleaning methods are easily performed with common household items.


Before you start, remember to never clean over an open drain. Immerse your ring in a mixture of warm water and dish soap and let it soak for 15 minutes. Then, remove and scrub with a soft bristled toothbrush. Rinse, dry, and enjoy that fresh sparkle. 





3. Be Contact Conscious


Your engagement ring might be strong, but it’s not indestructible. Understanding potential threats and how to avoid them is the best way to reduce unnecessary wear.


One of the most common ring hazards is finger oil. Consistent contact from fingertips can coat your diamond and reduce its sparkle. When removing your ring, grip the sides to avoid touching the center stone and politely encourage others to do the same.


In addition, avoid exposure to harsh chemicals. Because no engagement ring is crafted with 100% pure gold (24 karat), its materials are at risk of serious damage. These hazards are often found in common household cleaners, like chlorine, products with a high salt content, bleach, and other deep cleaning formulas. 





4. Know When to Remove Your Ring


Most people wear their engagement ring every day. However, there are a handful of activities that warrant ring removal. 


Exercise: Sweat, fast-paced movements, and workout equipment are a deadly combination for ring damage. Avoid wearing your ring to gyms or natural landscapes (running, rock climbing, hiking) that contain hard and disheveled surfaces.


Water: Whether showering at home or out for a swim, water-adjacent chemicals can potentially harm your ring. Avoid exfoliating soaps, chlorine, and salt; these can scratch precious stones or dull your metal.


Sleeping: Seemingly unthreatening, tossing and turning during sleep can harm your ring. It is best to remove to avoid snags on sheets, clothing, or hair. This repetitive friction can wear down prongs and loosen stones over time.





5. Keep Your Ring in a Safe Place


An object as valuable as your engagement ring warrants a proper storage space. No matter the activity, a safe—and convenient—location can provide peace of mind during its absence. Common depositories include ring dishes (kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom), a jewelry box, or even a home safe.





6. Have Your Ring Professionally Inspected & Polished Once a Year


Even the most responsible carriers sustain wear and tear on their ring over time. There’s no need to fret—a good thorough cleaning will repair these minor blemishes. Contact your jeweler and have your ring inspected by the experts. They can make any necessary repairs and send it back looking good as new. 





7. Avoid Excessive Resizing


Changes in the weather, weight fluctuation, and travel can all affect the fit of your ring. One of the most common cases is swollen fingers during pregnancy. It may be tempting to resize your ring during these unique situations, but it is important to remember that alterations can damage its integral structure.


That being said, a loose ring has its own set of complications. If you’re considering a resize, be wise to the effects of the changing seasons and only move forward if it's an absolute necessity. 





8. Give Gemstones Extra Attention


There are plenty of gorgeous gemstones that are durable enough for everyday wear. However, it is important to note that a gemstone ring requires more maintenance than a classic diamond.


As a general rule, stick to the soap & water method and use a soft-bristled toothbrush (strong bristles can potentially scratch your stone). If your gemstone is treated, be especially mindful of heat exposure. Consult with your jeweler about the characteristics of your gemstone or read our gemstone guide to find the right fit. 





When followed correctly, this comprehensive list is a great resource to care for your engagement ring. However, be aware that all rings are different and require unique maintenance methods. 


Before you select an engagement ring of your own, recognize your current lifestyle. Certain ring details complement active hands or special professions. Knowing this beforehand can ensure an optimal design and protect its beauty throughout your life.


With a dedication to fine jewelry crafted from quality materials, June creates modern heirlooms made to last. Shop our collection or create a custom ring with our design team.